For someone like me, the internet is a God-send. As I was packing for my grand move to Anaheim yesterday, I came across some of the stuff I used to write in high school, among it editorial letters for the school paper that never saw the light of day and rough drafts of newspaper letters that never got published…nobody ever gave a crap about my shitty, unpopular opinions. These days, all I need is a valid email address and I’ve got an open forum to post my rants, regardless if anyone wants to read them or not.

Of course, given that I have the freedom to blog my obnoxious viewpoints to my heart’s content, I have to accept that other people also have that freedom (outside circumstances such as parental supervision or government oppression notwithstanding), and sometimes, our opinions clash. Because of that, I’ve had to develop a thicker skin over the years, and now I’m at the point where pretty much the only thing that truly offends me is when something insults my intelligence. Of course, when this does happen, I get butthurt for days…and since this happened to me recently, I’m going to complain about it.

There was this one chick I used to follow on Tumblr from back in my days as a feminist. She posted something about an experience that I could relate to, summed up by this paragraph:

I was over the moon that somebody else understood this situation, and I ended up following her (though she never followed back). Her posts were sporadic (or else the rest of the people I follow pushed her posts off the dash), but occasionally she’d post other stuff I liked, or at the very least, stuff I was neutral about (like stuff from the Whedonverse).

Then after a while, Tumblr feminists turned on me for posting an Idiot Nerd Girl meme which 1) I had no idea was supposed to be considered offensive and 2) was directed at someone who actually fit the criteria of the meme, complete with screenshots (I’ve since removed the post because my intentions behind it were impure, and now that I know the whole story I don’t stand by that sentiment anymore). After that, everything they did or said started to annoy me, and I slowly started to realize that most third-wave feminists were little more than a collective stereotype of teenage abuse victims who couldn’t afford therapy. But I’m glad it happened, because their views on men and entitlement are wrong, and if I continued to believe them, I would be wrong, too. And from there, I went from anti-feminism to anti-social justice as a whole.

That said, most of the social awareness blogs that I now consider to be social justice warriors (SJWs) I slowly unfollowed. I kept her on, even though I started to agree with her less and less as my personal viewpoints changed. Then a while ago, she posted this:

Now, I know that a lot of stuff on Tumblr falls under “Poe’s Law” and thus is difficult to differentiate between actual extremism and parody of such, but I was pretty convinced that this was legit for a few reasons.

First of all, she posts other SJW-leaning stuff on her blog, but there’s not enough to flag it as an obvious troll blog like justicebadass or anti-sexism-raptor. Observe:

(Who the fuck uses the term “problematic” unironically?)

(I will never not be bothered by medieval era chicks who have bleach-blonde hair and black eyebrows. Just sayin’.)

(Only social justice liberals use the term “misgendering.” How are you supposed to know anybody’s actual sex on the internet, anyway?)

(For what it’s worth, I thought Katniss’ skin complexion came from her blue-collar culture rather than any identifiable ethnicity. And from the book’s description, I imagined Rue as looking more Middle-Eastern, to be honest, but the movie did well with both characters by me. And maybe I’m just uncultured, but I’ve never seen a full-blooded ethnic minority with anything other than brown eyes, so I don’t know how having gray eyes spotlights Katniss as POC Queen of the Month. But I digress…I’m getting off-topic.)

Okay, you get the idea – she’s clearly one of those vapid social justice nutjobs that believes the shit she’s shoveling. Yet when I reblogged her maiden name nonsense with commentary of my own, I was met with dissent by one of her followers:

Then OP responded to me and assured me that I had indeed fallen victim to “Poe’s Law”:

(“What on my blog that could’ve suggested that it WASN’T satire” indeed. Scroll back up, honey, and read my rant again.)

But then she felt the need to comment on the post of her yay-sayer (scribbled out in blue) and explain that it was a joke, even though Old Blue was “clearly” already aware of that:

Yeah…you can see why I’m having such a hard time taking this snob seriously. Let’s back-track over the points that made me call BS on the satire card:

1) While there are other SJW-leaning sentiments on her blog, there’s not enough to flag it as an obvious troll blog like one of the more psychotic ones.

2) My comment was the first comment against the original statement and she wasn’t telling any of the yay-sayers that she was kidding until long after I said my piece.

3) She never said she agreed with me even though what my comment amounted to was that nobody should feel obligated to change their name after marriage regardless of gender (which is exactly the point she thought she was trying to make with her less-than-clever social experiment).

4) She only “explained the joke” to the one person (probably a close friend) who “got” that it was “satire.”

5) while I admit my comment was a little blunt, I basically said the same thing everyone else said in a more neutral tone and nobody else got called out (tone policing, maybe? I don’t know anymore).

And for the record, her little stunt wasn’t “satire.” What I write is satire – unclear sarcasm does not fall into that category. When I’m being facetious, my tone and intent are clear – take my doll post from the other day. I don’t proclaim to be Shakespeare with my writing abilities, but at least I have some, so don’t blow smoke up my ass with half-baked word porn in an attempt to dismiss my claims.

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